
A Week in Dublin

Friday 5 May 2017

Back at the beginning of April I visited Dublin for a week with a friend, this was the first time either of us had ever been to Ireland and we planned to make the most of it.

We booked a sweet little Airbnb room just up from St Stephens park giving us a short walk into the centre every morning through the park. St Stephens park had beautiful arrangements of flowers and I can imagine sitting in there while it's sunny with a good book is a fantasic way to relax.

Prague: The Charles Bridge

Tuesday 2 May 2017

While in Prague one of the sights that you have to go see if the Charles Bridge, it is a stunning piece of architecture. While pretty much all of the architecture in Prague is stunning this bridge can not be beat in terms of beauty and history! The bridge crosses the Vlatava river in between the new town and the old town.

April Favourites 2017

Monday 1 May 2017

April Favourites
It's slightly late but I wanted to share with you all the things that I have been loving this April.

There have been a few different things but the majority of these have been beauty products - guilty as charged.

Weekly Update - Watching/Listening/Reading

Saturday 29 April 2017

This week has definitely been a mad and busy one, work has been nonstop and I've had an essay that I've been trying to motivate myself to finish all week! Therefore this week's weekly update is a limited list.

Hoo Farm Animal Experience

Friday 28 April 2017

Last Sunday I had a fantastic day at Hoo Farm. I'd bought my step mom an animal experience off of wowcher and we had finally got around to using it. 
We got to meet Duma the Serval, Specsavers the owl, the two red foxes and a boa constrictor.
It was a wonderful day the guide was very knowledgeable and good with the animals and it was amazing how close we got to these wonderful creatures.

Travel: Prague Astronomical Clock

Wednesday 26 April 2017

 Back in February I visited the beautiful city of Prague! As everyone has said time and time before it truly is a fairytale city!
There are beautiful buildings and architecture everywhere that you look, no two buildings are the same.
There are so many different sights to see and behold and the one that I was most looking forward to was the Astronomical Clock.
All the photos I had seen of this prior to going were stunning and when in person it looked even more fairytale-esque.

Weekly Update - Watching/Listening/Reading

Tuesday 25 April 2017

It's a tad late but here is my weekly update from last week detailing all things I have been watching, reading, listening to and loving.


The Edge of Seventeen - this film stars Hailee Steinfeld as an awkward teen struggling to cope with the fact that her best friend has started dating her brother. This film was recommended to me by a friend and I loved it! It was entertaining to watch and had so many relatable moments!

To Be Read April 2017

Monday 17 April 2017

As it was my birthday the other week I decided to have a small book haul! Its been a while since I have bought new fiction, the majority of the time now I just borrow books to read from my workplace. However they don't always have all the titles that I want.
Therefore it was time for a haul of sorts!
These are the books that are currently on my to be read list:

Travel: Prague: An Overview

Monday 20 March 2017

 Back at the end of February I visited Prague, I had heard so many people rave about the beauty of the city, its buildings and how cheap it was to visit.

Me and my friend booked to go happy with our destination, we stayed just outside Prague in Andel and we were unfortunately booked into the wrong hotel (that's a story for another day.) Despite this our holiday was not ruined and we saw some breathtaking sights!

An Evening in Liverpool

Friday 17 March 2017

I'm not one for being spontaneous, if I make plans it's usually weeks in advance of the event with every detail mapped out carefully.

The other week I broke this trend me and my friend decided to go and see Against the Current live in Liverpool the week before the event. We spontaneously booked the tickets and I agreed to drive even though I have never driven to Liverpool before in my life.

Travel: Nice

Friday 20 January 2017

I visited Nice in October and I have delayed making a full post about my trip because to begin with the experience was down right awful.

This was not due to the city itself or any of the sights, rather the hotel that we were staying at to begin with. On the day we arrived the first evening we went out for food someone went into our room and stole from my friend. (I thankfully had all of my valuables on me).
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