How My 2016 Went
Saturday, 31 December 2016
So I thought I would share with you all what 2016 was like for me.
There were some amazing highs I visited New York for the first time it's been at the top of my bucket list since I was around 13.
This holiday was fantastic and despite me getting ill the day before going I powered through and honestly I loved it. The sights were everything I'd imagined and more. My favourite had to be the Empire State Building at night it was stunning!
I started a distance learning degree with my work. Progression and all that once I complete this job will have a Bachelor of Science. I've finished two modules so far and have achieved solid 2:1 marks in both. Wasn't sure how I was going to fare with uni work but turns out I'm managing it rather well.
Blogmas #25: Merry Christmas!
Sunday, 25 December 2016
Just a quick post after copious amounts of food and drink to wish everyone reading this a Merry Christmas.
I hope your day has been lovely and that you all got everything that you wanted!
I've been truly spoilt and had a wonderful day celebrating with family.
Currently snacking and watching the TV special christmas programmes.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Blogmas #23/24: Christmas Eve
Saturday, 24 December 2016
So I missed another Blogmas yesterday 2 out of 25 isn't bad right?
Christmas eve is finally here and to be honest it doesn't feel like tomorrow is going to be christmas where on earth has this year gone!?
I've spent my Christmas eve at the Birmingham Christmas market with family.
Lots of food has been eat and mulled wine has been drunk.
It was all very festive with the cute style stalls on display. As I've said previously I do love a good Christmas market.
The rest if this evening will be spent relaxing and possibly watching Elf aka the best Christmas film!!
This post is short and sweet as the mulled wine has made me a tad dozy.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas eve!
Thanks for Reading!
Blogmas #22 Christmas Gift Guide: Book Lovers
Thursday, 22 December 2016
Christmas Gift Guide for Book Lovers
It's probably a bit late for another gift guide but for all you last minute shoppers out there here are my gift guide suggestions for any book lovers.
1. Book Lovers Calendar - This is available from Waterstones and is the perfect calendar for any avid readers.
2. Books I Have Read & Books I Want to Read - This is also from Waterstones and is great for writing down observations on books you have read and making notes on any book titles that have caught your eye to remember later.
Blogmas #21 Winter Lipstick Choices
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Winter Lipstick Choices
It's almost Christmas where has the time gone and how have I managed to post for Blogmas nearly every day madness! I thought I would quit after the first week.
Todays Blogmas post for you all is on my winter lipstick choices, if you read my blog or follow me on Twitter you will know that I am a massive lipstick fan. I own far too many with some of them being similar shades (what can I say I'm a sucker for a dark red.)
Blogmas #20 Festive Hot Chocolate from Starbucks and Costa
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Festive Hot Chocolate
If there's one thing I really love around this time of year it is that the coffee shops bring out all of the festive drinks.
I always opt for a festive hot chocolate- always!
So I thought I would share with you my favourites from Costa and Starbucks this year.
First up was the Costa Mint Hot Chocolate this tasted divine and you even got a mini candy cane - so cute!
Blogmas #19 Chocolate Covered Peppermint Creams
Monday, 19 December 2016
As you saw from my last Blogmas post I baked some festive peppermint cakes, if you have not seen this post you can check that out here.
After icing and decorating these cakes I had ALOT of leftover icing which seemed such a waste to throw away.
I remembered once making peppermint creams out of some icing and thought why not give it a go with the leftovers. So to the runny icing I added in more and more icing sugar and mixed until the icing formed almost a dough. I then made this into circles and placed them on a plate in the fridge to harden for at least 3 hours.
Blogmas #18 Festive Cupcakes
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Today's Blogmas is some more festive baking! I love a bit of cake baking and decorating.
I found some mini candy canes and knew I wanted to put them on some cakes. These are my interpretation of peppermint cupcakes.
The ingredients you need for this are:
- 4 ounces butter
- 4 ounces caster sugar
- 2 eggs
- 4 ounces self raising flour
- Icing sugar
- mini candy canes for decoration
- Peppermint flavouring
- Red food colouring
- Red food colouring
Blogmas #17 Lush Father Christmas Bathbomb
Saturday, 17 December 2016
I felt like I needed abit of a pick-me-up after a long week so I headed over to Lush to pick up a christmas themed bathbomb to put me back in the festive spirit.
After having a look and a sniff of all the different Christmas bathbombs on offer. I opted for the Father Christmas bathbomb. One because it epitomises Christomas and two because it smells like candyfloss! This is my first Christmas bathbomb purchase from Lush this year (slacking I know!)
Blogmas #15/16: Christmas Traditions
Friday, 16 December 2016
So I missed a day of Blogmas! This was due to many reasons and unforseen circumstances that I just did not get a post written or have any time in the day to get it done. If I was a more organised person this post would have been written well in advance and ready to just press publish. Alas I like to leave things to the last minute and rush through them.
This post will count as day 15 and day 16 to keep the number order going.
Blogmas #14: Shrewsbury Winter Festival
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Last weekend was the second Shrewsbury Winter Festival. I had gone to the one last year and really enjoyed so jumped at the chance to go again this year.
The only catch to this I would say is that you have to purchase a ticket for £6 whereas every other Christmas market or fayre I have been to recently has been free admission. Seems a bit of a steep price purely for entry considering the volumes of people that would visit it.
But nevertheless it was still a good Christmas market with a wide variety of stands, a lot from local businesses as well so that's always a good thing.
Blogmas #13: Christmas Baking
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Christmas Baking
Tis the season to bake festive themed treats. I saw the recipe for these on one of Zoella's YouTube videos and thought I would give it a go.
The base is brownies I used a box mixture from Betty Crocker (I'm lazy and I don't have the brownie knack just yet.)
Blogmas #12: Telford Christmas Market
Monday, 12 December 2016
If there's one thing that gets me into the Christmas spirit it's a good Christmas market. Food, gifts, drinks, attractions and more food!
This year in Telford they had their own German market is quite small I'd say 15 stands at the most but quaint non-the-less.
Definitely worth a trip out if you like that sort of thing.
Blogmas #11: Favourite Christmas Songs
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Favourite Christmas Songs
Blogmas day 12 is all about Christmas Songs here are some of my favourite songs to belt out during the festive season!
1. All I Want for Christmas - Mariah Carey
2. Fairytale of New York - The Pogues, ft Kirsty MacColl
3. Merry Christmas Everyone - Slade
4. Last Christmas- Wham!
5. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee
6. I Wish it Could be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard
7. The Power of Love - Gabrielle Aplin (it was on the John Lewis ad it counts.)
8. Do you Hear What I Hear (not sure who originally sang this one)
Those are my favourite Christmas Songs. What are yours?
Thanks for Reading!
Blogmas #10 Decorating the Workplace for Christmas
Saturday, 10 December 2016
It's tradition at work to put up decorations for Christmas.
We have loads of hanging decorations and a lot of ceiling space to fill!
This is generally the first day of December we have half a day of setting up all the decoratioons around the library.
Blogmas #9 Much Wenlock Christmas Fayre
Friday, 9 December 2016
Saturday the 3rd of December was the Much Wenlock Christmas Fayre and lights switch on. They closed off the whole of the town and had 100 stalls for visitors to peruse comprising of gifts, trinkets and of course food.
Blogmas #8: Christmas Jumpers
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Christmas Jumpers
A staple around the festsive period is the Christmas jumper. If you don't have a Christmas jumper day where you work have you even lived?
We have one every year and I have got into the habit of buying a new jumper to mark the occasion.
These are the Christmas jumpers I currently own I'm definitely a fan of the cutesy ones and the festive animals.
The gingerbread man one and the polar bear one are from Primark (they do some bargain festive jumpers) and the penguin one is from Tesco's.
I'm such a fan of Christmas jumpers and I think it has to be obvious what they are these subtle winter pattern ones do not count!
There's just something about wearing a Christmas jumper that gets you into the festive spirit.
If you're looking to buy one my suggestions would be go to Primark, Tesco or Asda (they have some good ones in this year at reasonable prices.)
What type of Christmas jumper do you normally go for?
Thanks for Reading!
Blogmas #7: 10 Things I Love About the Festive Season
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
I think it's safe to say everyone has their own specific reasons to love the festive season and I wanted to share with you 10 things that I love about this time of year.
1. Festive Hot Chocolates - be they Starbucks, Costa or your own home made you can't beat a good festive hot chocolate. My favourite currently has to be the peppermint hot chocolate on offer in Starbucks.
Blogmas #6: Christmas Candles
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Christmas Candles
If there's one thing I love it's a good scented candle so when it comes to Christmas time it is definitely time to break out the festive candles.
After all who doesn't love a good festive scent cinammon, spiced apple it makes everything feel that much more homely!
I had a subscription box for scent melts last year and of course they had a christmas themed box so I have built up quite the collection.
Scents included:
- Cinnamon Sticks
- Peppermint
- Whiskey
- Mistletoe
- Christmas-O-Tree (their own scent)
- Christmas Pudding
Blogmas #5: Gift Guide: For Him
Monday, 5 December 2016
Christmas Gift Guide for Him
Blogmas day 5 and we have a Christmas gift guide for him! While the photo has specific items my gift guide will be more generalisations.
Always a good start find out what their favourite beverage is and buy them some cans or a bottle. It's Christmas why not splurge for the fancy alcohol it makes a good gift.
Body Sprays/Aftershaves
A standard gift for any guy be they your boyfriend, brother or father. After all who doesn't need a nice smelling aftershave? The stereotypical one being Lynx sprays. Boots and TK Maxx do some nice gift sets of this sort of thing around Christmas.
Tesco Dairy Free Finds
Sunday, 4 December 2016
I'm always looking out for good dairy free finds when I'm out food shopping. While in Tesco the other week I noticed they had really expanded their Free From range so I picked myself up some goodies.
Blogmas #4: Festive Hot Chocolate
Peppermint White Hot Chocolate
Another thing I love about the festive season is when all the festive drinks hit the coffee shops.
I decided to have a go at making my own festive hot chocolate.
I'm a big fan of white chocolate so I thought I would make a peppermint white hot chocolate.
The ingredients I used are:
- White Chocolate
- Peppermint Flavouring
- Milk
- Whipped Cream
- Festive Sprinkles
Blogmas #3: Favourite Christmas Films
Saturday, 3 December 2016
My Favourite Christmas Films
One of my favourite things about the Christmas Season has to be all the Christmas films! Who doesn't love having a pyjama day with cosy blankets and food watching Christmas films.
So I thought I would share with you all some of my favourite Christmas films to watch around this time of the year!
Blogmas #2: Gift Guide: For Her
Friday, 2 December 2016
Christmas Gift Guide for Her
Do you struggle to find that perfect Christmas gift for your daughter, friend, girlfriend, niece etc?
Here are some ideas that can hopefully help you out!
Perfect for any makeup or eyeshadow lover these palettes are budget friendly at £8.99 each which for 12 eyeshadows is a bargain! The shadows are good quality and pigmented a perfect makeup treat and there are so many colour options it might be hard to choose! These can be found at Boots or Superdrug.
Blogmas #1: First Day of Blogmas
Thursday, 1 December 2016
The Festive season is upon us and for bloggers that means one thing - it's time for Blogmas again!
For those of you who don't know what Blogmas is it's where a blogger posts everyday until the 25th of December with festive blog posts. These can range from anything be it gift guides to a persons favourite christmas films.
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Hi my name's Rebecca. I'm a lifestyle blogger from Shropshire. I like to write about my passions mainly travel, food, makeup and books. Hope you enjoy my posts and feel free to say hi! Contact: for queries.
Blog Archive
- How My 2016 Went
- Blogmas #25: Merry Christmas!
- Blogmas #23/24: Christmas Eve
- Blogmas #22 Christmas Gift Guide: Book Lovers
- Blogmas #21 Winter Lipstick Choices
- Blogmas #20 Festive Hot Chocolate from Starbucks a...
- Blogmas #19 Chocolate Covered Peppermint Creams
- Blogmas #18 Festive Cupcakes
- Blogmas #17 Lush Father Christmas Bathbomb
- Blogmas #15/16: Christmas Traditions
- Blogmas #14: Shrewsbury Winter Festival
- Blogmas #13: Christmas Baking
- Blogmas #12: Telford Christmas Market
- Blogmas #11: Favourite Christmas Songs
- Blogmas #10 Decorating the Workplace for Christmas
- Blogmas #9 Much Wenlock Christmas Fayre
- Blogmas #8: Christmas Jumpers
- Blogmas #7: 10 Things I Love About the Festive Season
- Blogmas #6: Christmas Candles
- Blogmas #5: Gift Guide: For Him
- Tesco Dairy Free Finds
- Blogmas #4: Festive Hot Chocolate
- Blogmas #3: Favourite Christmas Films
- Blogmas #2: Gift Guide: For Her
- Blogmas #1: First Day of Blogmas
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