
Flamingo Candles: The Melt Crowd: Box Deux

Monday 5 October 2015

It's that time of the month again for Flamingo Candles 'The Melt Crowd' subscription box to be sent out! For those of you that do not know what 'The Melt Crowd' is it is a monthly subscription box from Flamingo Candles that sends you 8 different scented wax melts each month for the low cost of £10. (Note: if it's your first month you get sent a free wax burner.)
This month is my second month of subscribing and I have to say this still does not disappoint! I've been down with the flu bug that's been going round since last week so receiving this in the post cheered me up. It's also great that £2 from every box this month is being donated to the Pink Ribbon Foundation!
Without further ado the scents of this months wax melts are:

Bubblegum: I love anything that smells remotely sweet so this one was perfect.

Applecurrant Crumble: I'm not a fan of apple crumble food wise but the smell of this melt is almost good enough to eat! By far my favourite in this months box!

The special Pink Ribbon Scent Melt this one has a sweet floral-y smell to it. I can't pinpoint the exact scent but it will definitely make a room smell nice.

Nutmeg and Ginger: This is a very autumn scent definitely makes me think of fall. Spicy and rather pleasant.

Thunderstorm: One of the more earthy scents in the box can't say that I'm particularly a fan of this one. Will be one of the last I use.

Golden Woodlands: Again a very autumn-y vibe here and while I thought I would enjoy this one as I love the smell of the woods when out walking - I have to say not a big fan of this one either.

Pomegranate & White Fig: This one I thought I would not like but in fact it's very fresh and soapy and would be a nice scent to cover the room in. Very refreshing.

Cranberry, Orange & Cinnamon: You can never go wrong with fruit scents most are generically pleasing. This one is very sweet and the cinnamon gives it an added kick. Also reminds me of the run up to Christmas- cinnamon as a scent you can not go wrong.
Overall while I disliked two of the scent melts this month I feel this is outweighed by the fact that all the others were so so good! Plus I liked every scent in last months box (Review here ) so I really can't complain.
For those of you who have not subscribed to this yet I would highly recommend it - it's so different from the generic beauty subscription boxes. Any unwanted scents can be used as cute little gifts and these wax melts last for AGEEEESSSS. I've only managed to use one so far from last months box I started burning it as soon as it arrived and it's still going!? So I almost have 2 months worth of melts to use up. Crazy!?
If you subscribe to the melt crowd let me know what you think of this box? Or just let me know which from this months box would be your favourite!

The Importance of Libraries

Wednesday 30 September 2015

I wanted to discuss a subject that I feel very passionate about this is Public Libraries and why they are important for the younger and older generation.

With more and more libraries being shut down due to budget cuts and governments trying to save money it would seem that a library is no longer considered an essential part of the community, even in primary schools a library is not a compulsory requirement.

Nowadays kids can just pull out their phone or tablet read an e-book or look up that piece of information needed for homework etc.

I feel this is a step in the wrong direction it takes away the excitement of getting your first library card going down to the library and getting to choose the books for yourself. Picking books that you like the look of rather than books that are what everyone else is reading.

I remember when I was younger I used to love going down to library with my nan and taking out as many books as possible. Not to mention the added extras held at a library the events one example being the summer reading challenge. When your young there's nothing more exciting than reading some books and getting a 'medal' for it. What could be a greater incentive to get children into reading?

What with the social media generation e-books are becoming increasingly popular what with the kindle tablets and the ease of use - one click and you've purchased a new book without leaving your sofa.
While this is highly convenient every child should experience a library the social aspects of interacting with other book lovers, the discovery of new stories and books that may not be found in the school library.

Libraries are very much a part of a community not just for children but for pensioners as well with selections of large print books. For these people the library could be their one trip out a week- take this away what are they going to do? They are not part of the tablet/eBook generation and may be unable to make it into town for example to buy books. There are even some services in libraries that send out books for the elderly as part of community care. Take this away you take away a part of their independence, their freedom.

If you have a public library near you use it or it will be lost, depriving many people of a wonderful underrated community service.

Simple Roasted Veg

Monday 28 September 2015

One of the things I am most guilty of is not eating enough vegetables. The fact of the matter is I'm a lazy cook, especially with vegetables all the peeling and chopping.

Once past this point however roasting vegetables is a very tasty and simple (not to mention healthy) thing to cook on an evening.

What I put in my roasted veg:
- Carrots
- Parsnips
- Courgettes
- Red Peppers
- Potatoes
- Basil
- Vegetable Oil
- Cumin
- Sweet Chilli Sauce

Chop and peel your veg and potatoes then put in a tray or dish.

Pour oil over with basil, cumin and sweet chilli sauce.

Roast in the oven for 40 minutes up to an hour.

Then Voilà your veg is done and you can eat it with whatever meal you like.

What sort of herbs or spices do you like in your recipes?

Life Update

Saturday 26 September 2015

Autumn is well and truly upon us the evenings are becoming dark sooner and the mornings are colder. Work is insanely busy at the moment it's forcing me more and more out of my comfort zone.
I have to run a couple of events by myself next week which is insanely scary but I need to learn to deal with this and overcome my stage fright! I managed to get a day off on Friday as me and my aunt went to a spa day at Albrighton Hall. This was needed the stress of the week was overwhelming me!!
We had two treatments booked and use of the gym for the whole day. The treatments were in the afternoon so the morning was spent playing racquetball, swimming and using the gym and spa facilities.
Then for the treatments we both had a manicure and back massage - spa days make for the ultimate pamper/relaxation. It made me really want to join a gym again!

I also got to see my best friend who was back from Manchester for a few days, her and her boyfriend came round was such a lovely couple of evenings. I really miss her and need to go up and see her more often!
I'm also investing my time more in the people who make the effort wasting my time on people who don't message or have time for me is affecting my positivity immensely.

I'm off shopping tomorrow here's hoping I don't spend too much!!

That's my mini life update I will do a proper post next week.

Thanks for Reading xx

Flamingo Candles: My First Ever 'The Melt Crowd' Box

Wednesday 16 September 2015


I'm a bit late to the party on this but I got my FIRST EVER 'The Melt Crowd' box from Flamingo Candles. This is the box for September.
For those of you that do not know what 'The Melt Crowd' is it is a monthly subscription box from Flamingo Candles that sends you 8 different scented wax melts each month for the low cost of £10. (Note: if it's your first month you get sent a free wax burner like mine above ^ )

I think this has to be my new favourite thing ever! The scents are amazing!!

In this box I got:
  • Rose & Marshmallow
  • Circus Candy Floss
  • White Lilac & Rhubarb
  • Grapefruit, Orange and Lemon Peel
  • Lemon and Lime Mojito
  • Earl Grey Tea and Cucumber
  • Jamaican Café and Walnut
  • Crème Brulee
I think my favourite scent from the box was Rose & Marshallow it is sweet but not overpoweringly so and my least favourite would have to be the Jamaican Café and Walnut - not because I disliked it per say but I would not have chosen it for myself.
I can't wait to see what surprises next months box holds in store.
If you are fan of wax melts, candles or anything scented have a look for yourself you will not regret it!

Thanks for reading xx
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