
April Music Playlist

Friday 22 April 2016

My current music playlist for April. These are the songs I keep listening to on repeat:

Forget Me Now - Against the Current
Close - Nick Jonas ft Tove Lo
Foxes - Devil Side
Nightmare - Miley Cyrus
Someone Else - Miley Cyrus
I'ma Do My Thang - Miley Cyrus
Drive - Miley Cyrus
Love Yourself - Justin Bieber
Wasteland Against the Current
Lose My Cool - Foxes
Work From Home - Fifth Harmony
Irresistible - Fall Out Boy ft Demi Lovato
Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! at the Disco
Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time - Panic! at the Disco
LA Devotee - Panic! at the Disco

Leave a comment and let me know which songs are on your April Playlist.

Thanks for Reading!!

New York: The Plaza and The Rockefeller

Tuesday 19 April 2016

While wandering around New York we saw some iconic building from history and media. The two I got rather excited about were: The Rockefeller and The Plaza.

Unfortunately the Rockefeller was closed when we walked past but I did get a lovely photo of it at night all lit up. They even still had some Christmas trees out front as it was February at the time.

23 Things That Make Me Happy at 23

Sunday 17 April 2016

A couple of weeks ago it was my birthday I turned 23. Yikes with each coming year it feels like I should be a fully functioning adult by now. Instead I still need around three alarms to get up in a morning.

I thought to mark this occasion blogwise I would share with you all 23 things that make me happy.

1. Family - it is the most important thing. They are the people that are always there for you through thick and thin.

2. Friends - I really do have some wonderful friends in my life that are always only a phone call away.

New York: Central Park

Monday 11 April 2016

While in New York the one place that had to be visited, that is constantly mentioned in films and TV Shows is Central Park. We chose to walk through the park while on the way to the Museum of Natural History and it did not disappoint it was massive!

Having only seen glimpses of it from films I had no idea what to expect, I thought it would be a normal park that just consists of grass. How wrong I was! The park had its own roads for cyclists, those horses and carriages, lanes for people running. There was a park, a rocky area, a water fountain, a few lakes.

It made the parks in England look like mere gardens!

It was so relaxing to take a casual stroll round, if I lived there I would definitely be there every day in the summer when the weather is nice. 

Somewhere you can go sit relax and have a moment of calmness in the middle of the bustling city life!

Of course with such beautiful backdrops there was a need to take a few selfies.

Definitely a site that I would go back to again and again.

Have you ever been to New York? What did you think of Central Park?

New York: Statue of Liberty and The Brooklyn Bridge

Friday 25 March 2016

As part of our trip in New York we went on a boat ride around the Statue of Liberty and Under the Brooklyn Bridge. We were originally going to get off at Ellis Island but thankfully we did not and that gave us extra time for other sights.

The boat ride was only 30 dollars and gave you a good view of the shoreline and the sights! We were very fortunate that on the day we went it was sunny and the sky was a clear blue!
I had expected the Statue of Liberty to be bigger than it was but overall it was one of those sights that if you're in New York you have to see.
We were stood at the side of the boat so had a fantastic view.

Sadly we did not stop at Ellis Island and visit the museum or go to the top of the Statue of Liberty, as we were only there for 5 days time was short and we wanted to see as much as we possibly could.

Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty? What did you think?

Thanks for Reading!!

The Liebster Award

Thursday 24 March 2016

I have been nominated for the Liebster award by Olivia from Sunshine in a Dress if you're a fan of beauty, lifestyle or Disney then check her blog out here.

Liebster Award Rules:

  Mention the person who nominated you
Answer the eleven questions this person gave you
Come up with eleven questions yourself
Nominate eleven bloggers
Let them know about the nomination

1) Whose blog do you check every day?

The blogs I tend to gravitate towards are VVNightingaleRachelCoco, and The Londoner.

2) Have you ever been to Disneyland/World?

I have been to Disneyland in California. It was one of the highlights of my whole trip! I would recommend it to anyone you're never too old to go! You're also never to old to have pictures with the Disney Princess's. 

3) Best compliment you've ever received?

Someone once told me I was really gifted at writing fiction which was pretty darn nice.

4) What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

Only one more day of work before a long weekend!

5) If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ooh that's a tough one probably a curry of some sort - Maybe Chicken Korma, Chicken Tikka Masala or Chicken Byriani.

6) Your favourite word?

Dessert - that's always a good thing

7) What did you do for your latest birthday?

Went out drinking with friends.

8) What are you afraid of?

Wasps - I have a massive phobia!

9) Favourite joke?

What do you call a pig that does karate?
A pork chop!

10) Glass half-full or half-empty?

Glass half-full

11) What was the last movie you went to the cinema to see?

Allegiant - I still haven't seen Insurgent but Allegiant was really good!

My 11 Questions:
1) If you could have any superpower what would you choose and why?
2) If you could only use products from one makeup brand for the rest of your life which would you choose.
3) What was the last book you read?
4) What song are you currently obsessed with?
5) If you could have your life play out as a film- which film would you choose and why?
6) One thing that made you happy this week?
7) If you could have a free holiday anywhere in the world where would you choose?
8) Favourite animal?
9) What are your hobbies?
10) Christmas or Halloween?
11) Favourite Disney film?

The 11 Bloggers I'm nominating!


Make sure you check out their blogs!

Thanks for reading!

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