
More Creative Writing

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Had this idea rolling about in my head today. Wrote this quickly so it is a bit rushed. Feedback would be greatly appreciated:

Short story:

Everybody loved Kit Bowman.
From his striking good looks to his even more striking personality. It is not often someone so beautiful and popular could be so nice.
His piercing blue eyes and his dazzlingly white smile made even the harshest of people admirers.
Everything came easy for Kit: girlfriends, friends, jobs. Everything he went after he got.
He was the towns golden boy and not just because of his shining hair.

Then the accident happened.

From then on everybody feared Kit Bowman.
His good looks so striking they seemed almost unnatural. His blue eyes so piercing just a look made you go cold, his smile so wide, his teeth so sinister and sharp.
Now nothing came easy for Kit Bowman except loosing everything he'd built.
No longer the towns golden boy, his hair no longer shined.
Now the town feared him.

After all once you are dead you shouldn't wake up

A Moment Of Creative Writing

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Hi Readers,

I'm going to be lazy on this blog post! Instead of writing a completely new post from scratch I thought I would share some of my creative writing. I did this for a course awhile ago and it had to be kept to 250 words hence the shortness of it. Depending on the feedback this might persuade me to start doing more creative writing again as I procrastinate ALOT.

Here it is:

The door creaked as he slowly pushed against it the room was empty except for a single chair. Jake turned to Doctor Coleman. ‘What am I supposed to do?’

He pointed at the chair ‘Just sit and do as we discussed all will be revealed in the duration of the experiment’ the door shut behind him and the lock slid into place. The room was now draped in darkness the only light coming from a single bulb that just about illuminated the chair.

24 hours that’s what the ad had said just you and your worst fear.

Jake wasn’t exactly sure how this would work, how could you face a fear when you didn’t even know what it was?

This is why he was here sat in this confined space which judging by the barely visible scratches that were etched up the door and on the walls, was probably once used as some sort of confinement cell.

He did as they had discussed he thought about his nightmare. The never ending running always away from someone or something. He couldn’t stop he had to get away.
He thought about it until the fear of it was too overwhelming. He opened his eyes.

The room was as it had been but now another chair was in front of him and it was occupied. The man had the same green eyes, the same messy brown haircut. It was almost as if he was looking in a mirror.

Jake was staring at himself.

Ring My Bella Perfume Review

Saturday 31 January 2015

Hi readers,

This is going to be the first of many reviews!
In the week I was going round the Benefit counter when I came across their 'Crescent Row' fragrance range. I'm rather picky about perfumes but in this range there seems to be a scent to suit everyone. At only £29.50 a bottle it is rather cheap for a fragrance.

I got the Ring My Bella fragrance.
The whole range comes in these cute kitschy boxes each with different stylings.
The box describes the perfume as:

'She flutters and flounces lace, satin and more. Her spirit so sexy Bella's shop you'll adore. Slip sweetly into a lush, juicy fling for a frill-seeking time "go on and ring". "

As for the smell of the fragrance itself:

Top notes: pink rose petals, soft lily, summer daisy

Middle notes: Egyptian jasmine, creamy peony

Bottom notes: white patchouli, vanilla tincture, white musk

I absolutely love this fragrance!! Its so sweet, not overpowering and lasts all day!

My only negative would be the size of the bottle, it's only 30ml so if you happened to use it every day it would run out quickly.

But that is the only negative I can think of!

Other than that I think this would be a great gift either to yourself or to friends or family. I can't wait to try out the different ones in the range!

Some of my favourite things

Sunday 25 January 2015

As I'm sat here on a Sunday evening just browsing on the internet aimlessly, half heartedly watching Desperate Housewives and stuffing my face with galaxy chocolate I decided to share with you some of my favourite things:

I'm going to start with the obvious I'm a massive fan of films and TV series. I'm the kind of person who can get through a series a day. Anything from Buffy the vampire slayer to Dawson's Creek.

A passion of mine is reading my nan used to take me to the library with her from a very young age. I used to read the point horror series when I was younger and have managed to collect practically all of them.

I'm also a massive tea addict! I think I would have withdrawal symptoms without it.

White chocolate is by far the best type of chocolate! In any shape or form an example being hot chocolate!

I'm a massive fan of food I think most of the photos on my phone are food related. I am a big fan of Chinese takeaways and could eat a whole one of those tubs to myself.

When I do have ice cream Ben and Jerry's is the only option (either Baked Alaska or Minter Wonderland).

I'm addicted to Yankee Candles at the moment especially the fresh smelling ones like baby powder. There's nothing more relaxing than sitting in with a cosy blanket a cup of tea and having a nice smelling candle lit.

I'm also addicted to eye shadows I have at least 4 palettes with the Elf cool edition being my favourite.

I'm a huge family person and feel that the holidays are always times for family no matter what!

Going out for meals and drinks is always better than clubbing!!

In the comments below share with me some of your favourite things or hobbies the more random the better!

A Month of Firsts

Saturday 24 January 2015

This month has been one with many firsts for me.
- Paying off my first holiday to the USA ✈
- Having to do a visa for the first time.
- Learning how to do new jobs at work
- Going Water Zorbing

I feel like this year is going to be one of change, one of taking more risks, experiencing new things and taking risks that I wouldn't normally.

Do you ever feel like you worry about other people too much? That you spend most of your time trying to please others than doing things that are the best for you.

This year is going to be different its going to be about new experiences, making the most of every situation - using this to grow as a person.

To start of this year of new experiences today I went water zorbing. This is where you are in a huge inflatable ball on some water - in this case it was a lake. You then have to attempt to stand and move the ball around pretty much resulting in you falling over ALOT.

It is hilarious and good fun for friends or couples to do together.

This should be the year that you go out, do something you wouldn't normally, take a risk you don't know what it may lead to.

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Rebecca Laura Writes